2024: The Journey: Bless (Pt. 3)


Beginning Sunday, April 7th

Each of us is on a journey to find belonging in a world that is not our home, to become all that God intends us to be and along the way, be a blessing to those we encounter by showing them the love of Jesus.
Embark on this journey with us … 2024 will be an adventure!


April 28, 2024

To really serve someone is an invitation from Jesus to meet that person in their present & particular need. It could look like a lot of different things - be open to all kinds of opportunities.

Additionally, as we build a relationship with someone, there will be a chance to share about yourself. Telling any storywell is an art! Jesus has done something amazing in all of our faith stories - can tell yours in an interesting and meaningful way?

April 21, 2024

There are some really important things that will pave the way for us as believers to truly ‘bless’ someone. Pray for interactions with them; Listen to them and learn; Eat together. The significance of doing these things cannot be underestimated - they can become sacred times together that bring you closer to one another but also to the Lord.

April 14, 2024

How amazing are the deeds of the LORD!" "Who can forget the wonders he performs?" "He has shown his great power to his people... all he does is just and good and all His commandments are trustworthy."  In other words, when we know and have experienced so much blessing from God, what do we do? How do we respond? "Yes, happy are those who fear the LORD and happy are those who delight in doing what he commands." "They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly."

April 7, 2024

The Beatitudes are a list of ‘when, then’ statements. They are not ‘if, then’ statements and there is a big difference. But the hope we have in the resurrection of Jesus - our Living Hope - makes us lights that cannot be extinguished and recipients of blessing that cannot be taken away. May your light shine brightly in your own home and also before others.